
How Long Does It Take To Powder Coat Rims

Not all trends are going to make a comeback. Thus far, bellbottom pants, 8-track audio tapes, REALLY short shorts on men, and unfiltered cigarettes have yet to render to the mainstream civilization. Notwithstanding, the year is young, and the world is indeed a very foreign place.

Standing in abrupt contrast to these retired trends, is the age-erstwhile art of powder coating, a painting technique that borderlines on being something straight from a sci-fi pic. Thank you to advancements in materials and machinery, powder coating has made a massive render to the mainstream in recent years, offering those in search of surface protection every imaginable pigment.

Nowhere has pulverization coating seen more success, than in the aftermarket automotive sector. While this chemical rich compound can be shot on pretty much any material that can withstand extreme temps, the popularity of powder coated wheels in particular has actually taken off.

But is this industrial-class, custom pigmented protectant harmful in whatever way? Are there any drawbacks to having a set of wheels powder coated? And if and so, exercise the pros outweigh these powder coating cons?

Today, we'll discuss a slew of facts pertaining to powder coating and how it performs on wheels, also as the protective properties this process provides. We'll besides delve into culling ways to foreclose aluminum pitting and corrosion.

Exploring the History of Pulverisation Blanket

According to powder coating pros, this painting technique was originally developed as a surface protectant for industrial and military machine applications in the 1940s. This treatment process proved to exist so affective, that by the time World War 2 ended, more than 40% of all steel being used in the construction of bridges was being powder coated.

Back and so, the process was far more than archaic, with polymer powders basically existence "flame-sprayed" onto metals, an extremely toxic and dangerous application process. Information technology was not until German scientist Dr. Erwin Gemmer'southward revelation that past creating a "liquid bed" for dipping materials, that airborne powders in fluidized form could exist utilized.

By the time the 1950s rolled around, Gemmer'south "liquid-bed" application process was gaining in popularity both in Europe and America. Patent obtained in 1955, Gemmer and his ultra-thick powder coating were officially going toe-to-toe with paint for the corrosion-resisting crown, and they were winning.

But Gemmer'due south ascent was curt-lived, and his method was shortly being bested by another scientist'south discovery. The year was 1960, and Amsterdam-based Pieter de Lange had but developed a thermoset powder coating substance that could be applied via an electro-static application method. While these processes may seem rudimentary by today'south standards, they are strikingly like to the methods that are nonetheless being used today, thanks to de Lange's use of a spray gun.

The advent of the electrical spray method not only permitted the use of an easy-to-use gun (as opposed to a bathing process), but it also immune complex industrial applications to benefit from a far thinner coating equally needed. In no fourth dimension, this evolutionary leap took the industrial coating world by storm, and the automotive sector in particular seemed ripe for the coating.

Past spraying a grounded metal material with a silty, statically charged powder, electro-static spray-on pulverisation coatings were able to cover all manner of surface with relative ease. They were likewise far less wasteful, safer to apply, and environmentally conscientious.

Today, powder coating is used every bit a means of corrosion protection on industrial materials, likewise equally in the automotive, nutrient and beverage, fire safety, and outdoor furniture segments. In one case cured, this substance looks all the globe like regular paint, and well-nigh people go their entire lives without knowing that the products they employ every twenty-four hour period are powder coated.

Quick Nerd Note: Did you know that pulverisation coating is often the preferred protective media for many of the items we encounter every solar day? A few of the more usually coated products include: Vending machines, microwaves, antennas, basketball game rims, refrigerators, fire extinguishers, ovens, patio piece of furniture, bike frames, and outdoor furniture.

Understanding the Nuts of Powder Coating

Pulverisation Blanket Wheels Photo Credit: Micah Wright

Now that nosotros've gone over a little scrap of pulverisation blanket history, information technology's time we discussed how the stuff works, and why it matters.

Powder blanket is an electrically-bonded powder that when sprayed, sticks to materials via a procedure called "electro-static attraction." Equally the the atomized paint molecules are "misted" onto an object, they create a coating that can be baked into the surface via extreme heat. This is ofttimes achieved via the employ of a kiln, or oven.

In one case allowed to cool, the material is then coated with a 2nd layer of electro-statically charged media, with this circular consisting of a clear glaze. The object is then broiled one more time before being immune to cool completely, at which point it is set for apply. This results in an extremely resilient painted surface that is far more than environmentally-friendly than traditional paints, as it is non high in VOCs, and does not require harmful chemicals for clean-upwardly.

Quick Nerd Notation: Similar almost any blanket product, the trick to getting powder coat to stick, is having a make clean surface for it to adhere to. This is why most professional powder blanket companies employ some course of acid bath to start strip away whatever one-time paint, protective clear glaze, or oil on an object, followed by a thorough sand-blasting process.

Why Do Car Owners Apply Powder Coating?

Photo Credit: Micah Wright

In the automotive arena, pulverisation coating is widely used on off-road racing vehicles, as information technology protects surfaces from sand, stone chips, mud, desert heat, and other organic ilk. Information technology tin can too be sprayed in virtually any colour imaginable, and and so finished in various matte or gloss levels, making it extremely popular with aftermarket tuners, boat and ATV owners, also equally total-blown professional race teams.

As for the trend of pulverization coating wheels, in that location are typically two reasons why a car possessor opts for this colorful aftermarket modification. While protection from corrosion, scratches, rock chips, acid rain, harsh chemicals, and other unsavory stuff are definitely at the superlative of the list in the practicality bracket, it's powder coating'due south dizzying assortment of customizable combos that really sucks people in.

Quick nerd Annotation: For those of you who may exist worried that powder coating may add a lot of boosted weight to those rollers, fret not. While powder coating definitely does add some grams to the overall weight of the wheel, it will not be detrimental to performance or wheel balance.

How is Pulverisation Coating Applied?

Broken downwardly to the nuts, the powder blanket process involves 7 essential steps:

  1. Surface stripping, cleaning, and preparation
  2. Colored pulverization coating application
  3. Starting time round of baking
  4. Cooling
  5. Clear coating awarding
  6. 2nd round of blistering
  7. Final cool-down

Tips for Choosing the Right Pulverisation Coating

Photo Credit: Micah Wright

At that place are two types of pulverization coating media that are commonly used today: Thermoset and Thermoplastic. While thermoplastic does not require blistering, and remains recyclable, it does non offer a lot of protection from impacts and scratches, and will cook under high oestrus. Thermoplastic media is besides sprayed onto pre-heated surfaces instead of beingness "baked-on," and is usually reserved for mechanical components, as it has the ability to be reshaped and molded equally needed.

Thermoset, on the other mitt, is a far more than hardcore application due to information technology chemically bonding or "setting" atop a surface. Once baked for a specific elapsing of time in a temperature controlled oven, this media forms a super-strong construction, that once clear coated with a secondary layer of thermoset coating, becomes extremely resilient.

That being said, when we utilize the discussion "permanent," nosotros aren't implying that a spritz of thermoset is going to final until the finish of fourth dimension. It's simply far more resilient than most coatings, and will not cook away like thermoplastic. And so when in doubtfulness, ask your local powder blanket installer what they recommend for the detail you lot want powder coated, and know that if it'southward a gear up of wheels, they will more than than likely advise that you become the thermoset route.

What Prep Work is Required for Applying Pulverization Coating on Wheels?

Photo Credit: Micah Wright

Much similar ceramic coatings, proper prep work plays a crucial role in the powder coating application process. Being that pulverization coating electrically-bonds to any surface it strikes, the importance of removing road grime, brake dust, grease, dirt, and every other footing-level contaminant imaginable from a set of wheels is pivotal in promoting adhesion. There'south also the issue of removing any blemishes, or "road rash" from the surface, for fifty-fifty those of u.s.a. with substantial levels of driving skill occasionally encounter the rogue stone chip or unexpected scuff.

Regardless as to whether they are brand-new, or ratty looking every bit hell, in order for a set of wheels to exist properly prepped for powder coat, they must first undergo the following prep stages. And so bear this in heed when you caput down to the local pulverization coating shop, because if they don't practise one (or some) of the following steps you'll desire to take your money elsewhere.

The Chemic Soak

The beginning prep process requires soaking the wheels in a specialized (often heated and agitated) chemic stripping solution. Stripped of residue and contaminants, along with any pigment or coating, the wheel'due south aluminum alloy underside will become exposed one time rinsed. While there are several kinds of chemicals that can exist used for this process, many of the older acrid solutions are quite toxic to both humans and the surround. This is why it is important to enquire what chemicals a company uses for stripping, considering not all powder coaters rely upon globe-friendly systems like those offered past Greensolv.

Broil & Boom

To assist expose any stubborn spots that the chemical dip may have missed, alloy wheels are oftentimes placed in the kiln after being rinsed off, which as well helps expedite drying times. After that it's on to blasting, a procedure that typically involves the spraying of aluminum oxide through a high-pressure hose to remove whatsoever droppings that's been lifted to the surface.

Manually Remove Whatever Rash

While diggings will remove most stubborn surface contaminants, it won't do shit for deeply ingrained pitting and corrosion, nor brand an impact on curb rash or rock chips. Whatever crude edges, imperfections, or unpleasant accidents should exist shaved off with a polishing wheel, followed by a milder round of buffing.

Tape Fourth dimension

Deburring and buffing complete, a thermal tape is brought out to protect anything that should not be pulverization coated. While some powder coaters will spray the whole damn bike, the best shops mask-off the apartment face that bolts to the hub in society to guarantee that the wheels seat properly.

Quick Nerd Note: Look for shops that but employ aluminum oxide in the blasting process. Silica (sand) chaplet, walnut shells, and other are forms of organic media are quick to embed in softer alloys like aluminum.

The Powder Coating Application Procedure

Photo Credit: Micah Wright

While you can buy a powder coating gun online and bake freshly coated parts in your kitchen oven, this is not an appropriate DIY arroyo, and won't accommodate large components like wheels. That said, here'southward how the pros prefer to powder glaze a set up of rollers.

Base Spray

Each wheel receives a middle plug, and a threaded tightening bolt is fed through the air valve hole to allow the bike to be suspended from a hook in the paint booth. The wheels are sprayed with a base layer of powder coating, which will provide both a cadre color and a smoothen foundation from which to clear coat.

The Quick Bake

After the outset coating is sprayed onto the wheel in the paint berth, the installer hangs the wheels on a metal rack that tin can exist pushed into an industrial kiln/oven, where high temps will force the blanket to adhere to the surface. Bake times for this first round are surprisingly swift, at just about 20 minutes, and temperatures in the oven typically hover at 400° Fahrenheit (204° Celsius).

Absurd Down & Clear Coat

Removed from the oven, the wheels are immune to reach room temperature, before heading back to the spray booth for clear glaze. While satin pulverisation coats typically don't typically turn out well, flat and gloss clear coats turn out stellar, thus making them the top go-to options for powder coaters. One interesting notation hither, is that clear pulverisation coats naturally come out milky white, and volition non turn transparent until baked.

The Big Bake

One time the wheels accept been completely covered with a clear coat, they caput dorsum into the kiln for a terminal bake, which typically lasts betwixt 35-45 minutes at the same steady temp as earlier.

Rest & Rubber

Final broil complete, the wheels are set up aside until they are completely cool to the impact. At this point any high-temp protective record, hooks, and center hub plugs are removed, and the wheels are given valve steams and wrapped in fresh rubber.

Quick Nerd Note: After the chemical dip, gloves should be worn at all stages of the pulverization blanket process in order to forbid imperfections from forming.

Pros and Cons of Powder Coating

Photo Credit: Micah Wright


Durable: When a thermoset pulverization coating is fully cured, it forms an incredibly potent bond with the surface, which on wheels will assistance foreclose things similar dings, scratches, and corrosion from forming.

Inexpensive: While pricing varies depending upon the installer, wheel complexity, size, and materials used, the boilerplate powder blanket chore for a set of aluminum alloy wheels runs about $400-$500 a prepare. Non bad, considering how long these coatings typically last, and the artful perks associated with a freshly coated set of rollers.

Low Ecology Impact: Unlike traditional paint, overspray within the powder coating booth is minimal, and fumes are practically non-real. Clean-up does not require solvents either, for there is no liquid to remove, which ways breaking out an air gun is all that is needed in social club to clean-up the booth between jobs.


Quality Control: The powder coating market has become fairly oversaturated in recent years, with many installers providing subpar services and cut corners via the apply of inferior products, tools, and procedures. Practice your research, look-up reviews, and only agree to utilize a company that has a proven record of producing quality powder coated products.

No Hydrophobic Backdrop: Pulverization coating does not comprise hydrophobic properties. This means that brake dust is still going to stick to a freshly coated cycle'due south surfaces, equally will crud, fresh asphalt, road table salt, and every other imaginable grade of nastiness.

Price: While paying someone $400-$500 to powder coat a set of wheels in the color and clear coat of your choosing may sound cheap to some, it is completely out of the question for most people. Being that many "bargain bin" wheel manufacturers are offering entire sets of wheels at these prices, the powder coating approach is a tough sale for those looking for little more than than a quick aesthetic upgrade.

Is a DIY Ceramic Coating a Better Wheel Protectant Than Powder Glaze?

There's this myth that pulverisation coating a wheel will protect it against rock chips, adjourn rash, acid pelting, road common salt, and other alloy eating contaminants. This is not true. While it may help impede the pitting process, and keep minor scratches at bay, pulverization blanket is going to scuff-off if hit difficult enough or if exposed to corrosive chemicals for prolonged periods of time.

This is why more and more than people are ceramic coating their wheels, straight from the factory. A high quality, 9H-rated ceramic blanket has the ability to repel many of the nastiest contaminants on earth, and when applied to a brand new wheel, will add a dep layer of gloss that is impossible to ignore.

A nano-applied science infused ceramic coating is also safe to apply on any type of wheel, including aluminum, chrome, carbon fiber, steel, and more. It can also be practical on top of pulverisation coating, which in many people's opinion, provides the most resilient i-ii punch for wheels, equally route grime and liquids alike just bounce off the surface.

Quick Nerd Note: While at that place are quite a few different powder coating producers on the planet, Prismatic Powders and Tiger-Drylac continue to gear up extremely high standards within the market place. The broad range of colour options, pricing, and overall media quality has fabricated both brands a favorite for pulverisation coating powerhouses like Cincinnati-based Killer Koatings.

Parting Shots

Photo Credit: Micah Wright

So afterward all these years, it appears that powder blanket still has a home in the automotive world, and for damn good reason. It's an outstanding solution for anyone looking to protect and/or customize raw metals, thus making information technology an ideal application for a plethora of automotive components, including blend wheels.

That said, if y'all're going to invest in powder coat, you might as well protect that investment with a layer of transparent ceramic blanket. This will not but extend the life of the powder blanket itself, but make the colors information technology contains truly "pop."

At $70 a bottle, ceramic coatings like Armor Shield IX are cheaper than you'd think, and harness the ability to protect surfaces for ii to 5 years. The first two years of protection are 100% guaranteed too, making ceramic coating the ultimate topical choice for those freshly powder coated wheels you jus picked upward.

Quick Terminal Tip: When it's tire install time, always apply a shop that has a "touchless" tire mounting system. Better however, only have the powder coater install your fresh prophylactic, because chances are they have one of these "revolutionary" contraptions on premise. This will remove the risk of seeing your precious powder coated wheels existence marred by some clueless technician with a pry bar and an primitive tire mounting machine.


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